The main authors of the Mrcc code and their major contributions are as follows.
- Mihály Kállay:
general design; driver program (dmrcc); input analyzer (minp); automated, string-based many-body code (goldstone, xmrcc, mrcc); domain construction for local correlation calculations (mulli); particular integral evaluation algorithms (integ); direct and density-fitting (DF) Hartree–Fock (HF) algorithms, DFT algorithms (scf); density-fitting MP2 and RPA algorithms (drpa); explicitly correlated models (mp2f12)
- Péter R. Nagy:
local correlation methods and multi-level approaches (drpa); closed-shell coupled-cluster singles and doubles with perturbative triples [CCSD(T)] code (ccsd); parallelization of CCSD(T)
- Dávid Mester:
excited-state approaches (cis), range-separated double hybrid functionals (dft), density-based basis-set corrections (dft), bond functions (integ)
- László Gyevi-Nagy:
closed-shell CCSD(T) code (ccsd); parallelization of CCSD(T)
- József Csóka:
quadratic and multi-configurational self-consistent field algorithms, reduced-cost SCF algorithms (scf); analytic gradients for local density fitting SCF and Huzinaga-equation-based embedding (prop)
- P. Bernát Szabó:
open-shell CCSD(T) code (uccsd), open-shell local correlation approaches (drpa)
- Zoltán Rolik:
integral transformation and orbital optimization code (ovirt); domain construction for local correlation calculations (mulli)
- Gyula Samu:
density-fitting integrals (integ)
- Bence Hégely:
QM/MM and embedding approaches (qmmod)
- Bence Ladóczki:
four-center atomic orbital integral code (integ), parallelization of explicitly correlated MP2 and CCSD(T) theories (mp2f12)
- Klára Petrov:
orbital relaxation contribution to gradients for density-fitting methods, density-fitting MP2 gradient, natural auxiliary function (NAF) MP2 gradient (prop)
- József Csontos:
installation script (build.mrcc), geometry optimization, basis set optimization, the Mrcc homepage
- Ádám Ganyecz:
solvation models
- István Ladjánszki:
Hartree–Fock self-consistent field code (scf)
- Lóránt Szegedy:
closed-shell CCSD(T) code (ccsd)
- Máté Farkas:
orbital relaxation contribution to gradients for coupled-cluster methods (prop)
- Pál D. Mezei:
double hybrid and van der Waals density functionals (dft)
- Réka A. Horváth:
explicitly correlated models (mp2f12)
- Balázs D. Lőrincz:
non-atom-centered basis sets (integ)
In addition, Igor Gerasimov, Bence Kornis, Levente Dojcsák, Huliyar S. Nataraj, and Sanghamitra Das have also contributed to the development of the Mrcc code.